Mobile Phone Addiction

Most Dangerous Addiction

What is mobile phone addiction?

It’s said that necessity is the mother of all inventions, all hail Steve jobs who invented the iPhone which, took over the entire world and every human being in it by a gigantic storm. In today’s era, the smartphone plays a very vital role in every person’s life. 70% of the world population is smartphone users. Easy access to the internet has increased the time duration spent on a mobile phone hence making them some or the other way addicted to it. According to a survey, almost 30% of the people in the age group of 18-30 are addicted to mobile phones. Interestingly a huge breakout in the number of addictions to mobile phones is even seen in the people of older age group between 40-50.

5 most common symptoms of Mobile Phone addiction!

  1. Checking your phone even when there is no ring or a vibration of a notification.
  2. Getting anxious, angry, irritated, feeling of restlessness when your phone is running out of battery or low on a signal.
  3. Repeated use of your mobile phone for the same use.
  4. Lack of interest in other activities and hesitation while interacting with people.
  5. Arising neck/cervical problems due to high usage of the mobile phone.

Is mobile phone addiction curable?

While seeking treatment for an addiction, one has to keep patience and learn how to self-control. Also, to stop certain habits, you have to think, and when you decide, you have to act accordingly to achieve your goal. Like other addictions, there is no medically approved treatment available for smartphone/mobile phone addiction. Following are the ways that can help you overcome your addiction to a mobile phone:

Tap your usage: To prevent excessive use of the mobile phone, you must set a time limit. Try uninstalling those apps which consume most of the time. 

Turn it off and escape into the woods: It might be quite of an irritating thing to do, in the beginning, to turn off your mobile phone for a while. But eventually, you will feel comfortable while doing it often. For the time when your mobile phone is switched off go out for a walk in a park for fresh air to rejuvenate your mind.

Socialize in person: Meet your family members and friends, talking to someone about how you feel and what you feel is one of the highly effective ways to solve any problem.

Withdrawal Symptoms of Mobile Phone Addiction.

The mobile phone addict will show unexpected reactions or symptoms when mobile phone use is withdrawn. The person will be upset or angry when the connectivity of the mobile phone is lost. Furthermore, a gamer can feel addicted to his phone even if he is banned or resisted from using the phone. The person always checking the phone during every hour will be very disappointed if the person is banned.

The NEXT step?

Remember the era when there were no mobile phones and socializing and engaging ourselves in physical activities or any other recreational activities was the real entertainment.

Involve yourself in a physical workout: once you hit the gym or a sports center you figure out that instant feeling of joy, happiness, adrenaline rush is keeping you engaging in many more levels. Try to stay regular in such activities and keep releasing those endorphins for a better version of yourself.

Discover the hidden talent: Just remember the time what you used to do to involve yourself when you were a child. Let creativity be a part of your life too. There are many horizons to explore rather than keeping your mind occupied with a mobile phone.

The ZEN mode: At last when you feel that the urge to use a mobile phone is beyond your control you can try switching your phone to a zen mode where you won’t be able to use your mobile phone even when you wish to.

Seek a professional

After trying out every possible thing still, if you are unable to cope up with your situation and you are serious about it, you can seek help from a professional that is a psychiatrist/psychologist. It’s 2022 and consulting a psychiatrist is far different than it used to be. It’s your life and you know you are struggling, to choose what is right for you to lead a happy life you have to stand by yourself.

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