Marijuana Addiction


Marijuana (Ganja) is better known as a recreational drug. There are enormous theories that people use to support the recreational use of marijuana. Marijuana, also known as THE GATEWAY DRUG has often lead people to explore a huge variety of chemical drugs such as meth, cocaine, LSD, smack, etc.

According to research, almost 30% of the world population has smoked marijuana once in their lifetime, with almost more than 10% of the population smoking it on a regular basis. In America alone after the legalization of marijuana, there has been a drastic shift in the numbers of pot smokers. Most of the new members in the pot-smoking community were teenagers.

Hand in hand with these rising numbers was also observed the higher rate of school/college dropouts, poor grades, and involvement of teenagers in unlawful activities for short-lived gains.

Long-term use of marijuana is the leading cause in people developing symptoms of lesser alertness, poor concentration & coordination, slow reaction time, poor IQ, and challenging memory. In females, it has led to infertility and in men, it has led to professional failure.

Call us today and choose the most effective way to quit SMOKING & MARIJUANA ADDICTION.

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